A quick guide to the dress code and our electronics policy are listed below. For more detailed rules, please review the entire handbook.
We believe the outward appearance is a reflection of our inner heart.
Dress Code
As students at Mt. Olive Christian School, you are representing Christ to the world. Scripture tells us to do everything decently, in order and to the best of our ability. With these ideas in mind, here are the guidelines we will follow:
PANTS-Khaki or Navy, 2-4 pocket, pleated or flat front
DENIM JEANS-Classic style meaning no sagging, pipes, drawstring pants, leggings or pants that are too tight
SKIRTS AND JUMPERS-Khaki or Navy or denim and no shorter than two inches above the knee. Slits should be no higher than two inches above the knee

SHIRTS-Short or long sleeve white, red, or navy shirts with collar. Shirts may be a polo type shirt with buttons or a button up oxford style. Shirts must be long enough to tuck in and must always be tucked in. There are no exceptions, and students will be sent home or parents will be called to bring an appropriate shirt.
CHAPEL ATTIRE-chapel is every Wednesday, and students are expected to wear khaki pants (walking shorts may be worn especially in hot weather) and a white shirt. Girls may also wear khaki skirts or jumpers with white shirts.
FOOTWEAR-Must be appropriate and absolutely no flip flops or flip flop style footwear at any time. This rule is for your child/children’s protection so that they do not fall should someone step on the back of a flip flop or they catch them on the stairs, etc.
FRIDAY-tee shirt day-Christian or MOCS tee shirts only.
INKA UNIFORMS-Elementary students with plaid Inka uniforms may wear them except for Wednesdays when khaki and white should be worn for chapel services.
GENERAL-All shirts should be tucked in and belts should be worn at all times. Do not wear jeans or shirts with holes in them. This includes the jeans that you purchase with rips and tears.
Electronics Policy
Mt. Olive Christian School has enacted a policy regarding the use of electronic devices during school hours. This policy went into effect on January 4th, 2016. Please be aware of the following information and please share this information with your student.
Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.
No electronic devices, including, but not limited to, the items listed above will be allowed on campus. Any of these items, which are out in plain sight at any point during the day, will be subject to immediate seizure. If the student readily complies with the request to surrender the item, it will be returned to them at the end of the school day with no penalty. If the student resists in any way, the item will only be returned to a parent or guardian. Refusal to surrender an item will result in suspension for willful disobedience. All unclaimed items will be disposed of after the last day of school.
Watches that have texting or calling capabilities will be allowed as long as they are not being used to text or make calls. If we determine this is happening, they will be taken from the student and held like any other electronic device.
We understand that there are many athletic events that happen both on and off school campus. We certainly want our students to be able to have their electronic devices as they travel to and from games and as they “hang out” at the school before home games. If any student wants to bring a cell phone etc. for such events, they are welcome to turn them in to either Mr. Jump or Mrs. Gantt in the morning before school starts. They will be kept safe until the end of the day when your student picks them up.